If you’ve ever searched for a venue, you know just how much time it takes to find the right one which works best for your event.
Venue Queen does this for you, taking stress out of finding the perfect venue for your event, absolutely free of charge.
Every event has unique requirements, Venue Queen understands the different needs of events, and with over three decades of working with quality venues all across the UK.
We don’t try and make your event fit into a venues requirements, because our goal is to find a venue that fits your needs, finding exactly what you want is our priority.
When you speak to venues, you may find that their goal is to make a sale, whereas Venue Queen’s goal is to match you with your perfect venue: The venue which makes it easy for you to create the exact event you have in mind.
Venue Queen actually cares about your satisfaction, she cares that she’s going to save you time, stress, and give you the credit for organising a great event.
Using Venue Queen is the easy way to create a top class, high quality event, without having to use up a significant portion of your event budget.
Venue Queen does not charge the event organiser, the venue pays a commission only after the event has been run successfully.
The commission does not increase the price for you, Venue Queen works as an independent sales representative and only works with trusted, quality reliable venues. Wherever possible we personally visit venues before recommending them.
Venue Queen will guide you through the whole process of deciding which venue is the best match for your event.
We can even negotiate the best price for you with the venue, even if this means a lower commission, because Venue Queen’s goal is your satisfaction, and a successful event.
We have built the Venue Queen business based on quality of service and satisfied customers referring and recommending Venue Queen.
Customer loyalty is more important for us than winning higher commissions.
We want to find this venue for you now, and we want you to think of Venue Queen the next time you need to source a venue.
We’d love it even more if you would recommend us when your colleagues tell you they’re looking for a venue too.
You won’t be able to do any of this if we don’t provide you the best possible service.
The venues we recommend all meet the Venue Queen strict criteria, they must:
Venue Queen vets the venues we recommend, wherever possible visiting them in person.
Venues which don’t deliver the quality of service we expect, don’t get onto our recommended list, even if they have a glowing reputation.
Budget requirements are always key - Venue Queen can help you discover the best venue within your budget, maximising the value of your £s. However, as good as Venue Queen is, she is not a Fairy Godmother, she cannot magically produce a magnificent venue on a non existent budget.
Venue Queen’s experience gives her the insider knowledge to be able to negotiate with the venue to discover the flexible aspects they might not otherwise volunteer.
We know the venues that we recommend inside out, we know how they work, and we know which venues are likely to make your budget go further.
Our clients are the ones who get rewarded for organising great events, and we’re happy to help you get all the credit for organising a successful event. Who knows, where organising this amazing event might lead you in your career?
Delighted to be members of the AIEA, for small boutique event agencies, working together for the good of our clients.
Giving small, but caring agents a voice within the industry, collaborating for the good of our clients.
Allowing agents to network and share knowledge to enable is to give the best possible outcome to our clients.
www.borrowmygarden.co.uk was started following a collaboration between Jo Hailey from Striking Places Photography Limited and Claire Lee from Venue Queen Ltd, after a joint project on a private garden. They quickly realised that there wasn't a quick solution for finding outdoor spaces for events, Borrow my Garden was born, and is now flourishing.
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